Researching New Products for Girls!

Haitian Outreach is looking to add Menstrual Health to our Haitian Outreach program goals!

Approximately 200 girls, teens and young women attend school through the Haitian Outreach program.  We have been trying to include menstrual supplies in the backpacks for the older girls, but due to limited space and cost, we have been unable to send more than a few menstrual items.  Why are we concerned with menstrual health?  In a feature story, the World Bank identified menstrual hygiene and management as a major hindrance for women trying to attend school. “A growing body of evidence shows that girls’ inability to manage their menstrual hygiene in schools, results in school absenteeism, which in turn, has severe economic costs on their lives and on the country.” 

Haitian Outreach in collaboration with the Gardner, Ma. branch of “Days for Girls”, have been given 200 reusable, cloth menstrual kits. This generous donation by the group in Gardner, will give our female students a way to attend school even when they are menstruating.  Days for Girls is a worldwide, non-profit group, whose mission is “Cost-effective, safe, sustainable and contextually relevant products to help women and girls manage their periods and engage in livelihood activities”.  

In order to distribute the kits, Paula Lanson had to take the Days for Girls International Ambassador of Women’s Health Course.  When the kits are given out, a course in the users own language, is provided.  The course covers how to use the kits as well as menstrual hygiene and health.  In an effort to empower the women of Haiti, 2 of our staff, Madgala and Niaka, will take the “Days for Girls” course. They will then be able to teach the course and give out kits. Days for Girls in Gardner will continue to donate menstrual kits for Haitian Outreach as we need them.     

- Paula Lanson

Todd Parker