In the News: "Haitian Outreach’s mission is to help children across the globe"

We’re thrilled to be featured in the Sentinel & Enterprise newspaper, here’s an excerpt:

As parents of school-age children will face much uncertainty and questions this school year, there are children across the globe who face that every day.

If you ask volunteers of Haitian Outreach, they will say it’s their mission to help these children get a good education and provide the tools for their success: backpacks, school supplies and new shoes.

Haitian Outreach is a child sponsorship program started in 1998 when Norman and Lorrie Charpentier, of Leominster, visited Haiti for the first time.

“Norman and Lorrie found that the children had no means of attending school, as 90% of schools in Haiti are not free,” said Pauline Aliskevicz, of Fitchburg, director of Haitian Outreach. “They returned home to Leominster and began reaching out to the community to sponsor 60 students, which has now grown to 300, and includes 16 university students.”

Keep reading on the Sentinel & Enterprise site

Sister Immacula Cornelius, aka (Sister Erma), who is the Mother Superior of the sisters, is pictured with Pauline Aliskevicz, of Fitchburg, director of Haitian Outreach, in Port-au-Prince.

Todd Parker