Haitian Outreach Fundraising is Fun!

February was a busy month of fund raising. Not only did we visit St. Bernard’s High School, the very next day we visited St. Bernard’s Elementary to Mrs. Gallagher’s 3rd Grade. 

The halls were quiet as Ms. Wright, the principal, walked us to the classroom where the 3rd grade moved their classroom. It was quiet as we walked in to find each student seated with their hands folded. In front of each student were not “one” but “two” backpacks for Haiti! The room erupted with joy and surprise!

Deacon John and I spoke with the children about our work in Haiti. Many children in Haiti travel either by foot or ride a Tap Tap. (A Tap Tap is a truck with a big cap on the back where people can squeeze in and ride to their destination.) It is a small fee to ride. Sometimes there are people hanging onto the back to get a ride to their destination.

Deacon John tells the children that it is called a Tap Tap because when people want to get off, they TAP! TAP! loudly on the truck and the driver stops. Another reason why they are called a Tap Tap is because years ago the engine made a tap tap noise as the vehicle traveled up the mountains in Haiti. 

Mrs. Gallagher’s class this year surpassed their previous years collections with a total of 32 backpacks stuffed with school supplies, etc. They also collected monetary donations this year as well as rice. It is our great pleasure to work with Mrs. Gallagher and her 3rd Grade class at St. Bernard’s Elementary, Fitchburg, MA. We enjoy talking about our trips and telling stories about our adventures. The children always have many questions for us about the lives of the children in Haiti.   God Bless You All--Way to Go Third Graders! 

PS: The children also write letters and notes to the students in the 3rd grade at Lilavois school in Haiti, which we deliver when we visit in March!

2019-2020 3rd Grade Class!

Mrs. Gallagher’s 2019-2020 3rd Grade Class!

A Mountain of backpacks in our living room!

A Mountain of backpacks in our living room!

Todd Parker