Haitian Outreach Newsletter: December 2021


At this special time of year, we wish to extend to you our deepest thanks for your support to help us educate children in Haiti! We would like to wish you all Happy Holidays and Peace and Joy in the New Year!


We were unable to travel to Haiti even in September due to the problems in the country. We sent two shipments to Haiti. The first arrived Thanksgiving week to our Bureau Leclerc. The second shipment has not arrived yet. There was a total of 78 bins sent, costing $7,800.00 for 2021.


Diego, one of our university students, arranged for Zoom on his laptop so we could talk with the sisters and our workers in Haiti. We watched as the bins were opened and items labeled for delivery to children and schools. We are fortunate to have workers who can travel to the schools, when it is safe, and deliver the backpacks to our students. It all works!


Officer Shattner received a FEDEX from us with paperwork and a camera. He gave this to the sisters at the convent. They in turn passed it on to YeYe and our workers. When it is safe, they went to Lalue, Lilavois and St. Marie to deliver backpacks and take information and a picture of our sponsored students.

They will FedEx this back to us when the country is safe enough for delivery! Three schools to go, Saut D’Eau, which is 3 hours outside of PAP, and Croix de Bouquet (CDB) and Mother Monique (MM), which are not safe areas right now. It may take time, but it is happening! Thank you, Sister Irma, YeYe, and Magdala!


“Rice Money” is supplemental money provided by sponsors to help feed the child and their families. Because we could not travel, it was decided to incorporate “RM” into the tuition. The tuition was wired to Haiti via bank to bank in August. Parents met with the principals to settle tuition before the start of school. They were pleasantly surprised that additional tuition was donated for their child. with an Accounting degree, Thierry is graduating with a Law degree and Arselene is graduating with a degree in Hotel Mgt. We are immensely proud of their accomplishments. We ask that you pray for these students and their success in the future!


Diego is asking for help to obtain a Master’s in Accounting. If anyone is aware of scholarships in the USA, Canada, etc. please call Pauline or Paula to discuss. We have looked into Fitchburg State Univ. They have an online course available for $10,000/1 year. If anyone would like to help Diego get his Masters, please call us.


We were truly fortunate not to lose anyone in the recent earthquake that hit the southern part of the country. We raised $7,000.00 which will be sent to the sisters to repair the convent at Coteaux and the fence and gate around Damassin. Watch for further information on our website as the rebuilding takes place.


We are extremely fortunate to be well connected in Haiti and in the US so that we can continue this program for the children, school, and our beloved sisters. God connects us to those we need to work with to make it all come together.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers. Nothing is impossible with God!

Mary Clifford